Saturday, June 09, 2007

Penyakit budak IT

Q. What is a Repetitive Strain Disorder?
A. A repetitive strain disorder is an injury to a part of the body that is caused by overusing or straining that body part.

Strain occurs when the body part is called on to work harder, stretch farther, impact more directly or otherwise function at a greater level then it is prepared for. The immediate impact may be minute, but when it occurs repeatedly the constant straining cause damage.

The term repetitive strain disorder identifies a large group of conditions that result from using the body in a way it is not designed for or capable of comfortably working.

These conditions are often focused on a joint and usually affect the muscle, bone, tendon or bursa of the joint. However other anatomical features and areas can be stressed and their response to that strain can be an injury.

Some common examples of repetitive strain disorders are:

* Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
* Tendonitis
* Bursitis
* Tennis Elbow
* Trigger Finger
* Blackberry Thumb
* Vibration White Finger
* Shin Splints
* Calluses
* Bunyan

The full list of what can be classified as a repetitive stress injury is quite extensive.

Other terms used interchangeably with Repetitive Stress Injury are:

* Repetitive stress injury (RSI)
* Repetitive stress disorder (RSD)
* Repetitive strain injury (RSI)
* Repetitive motion injury (RMI)
* Repetitive motion disorder (RMD)
* Repetitive injury
* Overuse syndrome
* Cumulative trauma disorder (CTD)
* Musculoskeletal disorder (MSD)



Fibromyalgia has been studied since the early 1800s and referred to by a variety of former names, including muscular rheumatism and fibrositis.[6] The term fibromyalgia was coined in 1976 to more accurately describe the symptoms, from the Latin word fibra, meaning fiber, and the Greek words myo, meaning muscle, and algos, meaning pain.

Fibromyalgia was first recognized by the American Medical Association as a true illness and the cause of disability in 1987. In an article the same year, in the Journal of the American Medical Association, a physician named Dr. Don Goldenberg called the syndrome Fibromyalgia.


The defining symptoms of fibromyalgia are chronic, widespread pain and tenderness to light touch, and usually moderate to severe fatigue. Those affected may also experience heightened sensitivity of the skin (also called allodynia), tingling of the skin (often needle-like), achiness in the muscle tissues, prolonged muscle spasms, weakness in the limbs, and nerve pain. Chronic sleep disturbances are also characteristic of fibromyalgia, and some studies suggest that these sleep disturbances are the result of a sleep disorder called alpha-delta sleep , a condition in which deep sleep (associated with delta EEG waves) is frequently interrupted by bursts of brain activity similar to wakefulness (i.e. alpha waves). Deeper stages of sleep (stages 3 & 4) are often dramatically reduced.

In addition, many patients experience cognitive dysfunction (known as "brain fog" or "fibrofog"), which may be characterized by impaired concentration and short-term memory consolidation, impaired speed of performance, inability to multi-task, and cognitive overload.[7] Many experts suspect that "brain fog" is directly related to the sleep disturbances experienced by sufferers of fibromyalgia. However, the relationship has not been strictly established.

Other symptoms often attributed to fibromyalgia (possibly due to another comorbid disorder) may include Myofascial pain syndrome, chronic paresthesia, physical fatigue, irritable bowel syndrome, genitourinary symptoms (such as those associated with the chronic bladder condition interstitial cystitis), dermatological disorders, headaches, myoclonic twitches, and symptomatic hypoglycemia. Although it is common in people with fibromyalgia for pain to be widespread, it may also be localized in areas such as the shoulders, neck, back, hips, or other areas. Many sufferers also experience varying degrees of temporomandibular joint disorder. Not all patients have all symptoms.

Fibromyalgia can, but does not always, start as a result of some trauma (such as a traffic accident), major surgery, or disease. Some evidence shows that Lyme Disease is a common trigger of fibromyalgia symptoms.[8] However, there is currently no known strong correlation between any specific type of trigger and the subsequent initiation of symptoms. Symptoms can have a slow onset, and many patients have mild symptoms beginning in childhood, that are often misdiagnosed as growing pains. Symptoms are often aggravated by unrelated illness or changes in the weather. They can become more tolerable or less tolerable throughout daily or yearly cycles; however, many people with fibromyalgia find that, at least some of the time, the condition prevents them from performing normal activities such as driving a car or walking up stairs. The syndrome does not cause inflammation as is present in rheumatoid arthritis, although some anti-inflammatory treatments, such as Ibuprofen and Iontophoresis, may temporarily reduce pain symptoms in some patients.

Variability of Symptoms

The following factors have been proposed to exacerbate symptoms of pain in patients:

* Increased psychosocial stress
* Physical exertion (exercise seems to decrease the pain threshold of people with Fibromyalgia but increase it in healthy individuals)[9]
* Cold weather, especially when damp
* Changes in barometric pressure
* Lack of deep (stage 4) sleep


Kemungkinan untuk kehilangan kudrat menggunakan anggota yang terlibat. In my case maybe my right hand. But still can't be confirm yet. Been asked by few friends to do check up at KT Specialist Hospital. Tengoklah dalam sehari dua lagi. Kalau the symptom still occurred, i'll go and have a check.

Pray for me...


armouris 4:11 AM

info tentang temporomandibular Disorder kat sini - Temporomandibular Disorder

Anonymous 6:38 PM

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