Thursday, July 20, 2006

What Is It To Me?

Do not you my dear brothers and sisters
Will utter this words
"What is it to me?"
Whenever our suffered brothers in Palestine and Lubnan
Being tortured, being murdered and harrassed,
Do not make apologises, dont make excuses,
"We do not do any harms,
we do not have any power to do anything,
to benefit anyone,
so, we are being excused"

My dear brothers and sisters,
Due to your laziness,
even to recite du`a,
even to donate a small amount of your income,
To your suffered brothers there,
You are actually contributing
To their death,
to their lost,
to their tears...

note: my own interpretation on Ustadh Bedi`uzzaman Sa`eed Nursi's previous khutbah at Umayyad Mosque 1911.


~albazrah~ 5:15 PM

Ustaz Nursi gives medicines taken from pharmacy of al-Qur'an to cure 6 ilnesses in Muslim community.

Anonymous 6:37 AM
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